Life and Health Insurance

The Bergeron Agency offers Health, Life and Disability Policies for Individuals and Businesses

The Affordable Care Act was designed to bring comprehensive health insurance reforms, hold insurance carriers accountable for costs, as well as give more consumers access to health care.

Each year, there is a period of time called “open enrollment”, which runs from November until some time in December. During this time you can shop and apply for a new health insurance plan if you find your current plan unsuitable. Once open enrollment period ends, you cannot buy or change a plan unless you have a qualifying life event (such as losing your current coverage, getting married or having a baby).

Consumers are also offered tax credits if their household income falls below established thresholds. The law also requires penalties, based on income or number of dependents, for consumers who choose not to participate in a health care plan.

Most people get their health insurance from their employers, and those with lower incomes received coverage from the government. But more and more people are buying private health insurance plans tailor-made for individuals and families.

If you find yourself in this position, without a clear understanding of what you should do or even look for, you may want to investigate getting an individual health insurance plan from The Bergeron Agency now.

Why choose The Bergeron Agency?

We take the time to review your individual needs and help you select the best options for them.  We will while look at numerous carriers to find the perfect program that fits your needs and budget.

We can help you simplify what seems complex, and help you choose from quality, competitive health care plans, including:

  • HMO/PPO plans: Specific type of health care plans that provide guidelines under which doctors can operate. On average, health care coverage through the use of an HMO/PPO costs less than comparable insurance packages.
  • Major Medical: Provides benefits for most types of medical expenses that may be incurred. Offering more complete coverage with fewer gaps, major medical insurance covers a much broader range of medical expenses—including those incurred both in and out of the hospital—with generally higher individual benefits and policy maximum limits.
  • Surgical policies: Most health insurance plans sold today are major medical plans but there are a few hospitals and surgical health insurance plans on the market. Surgical health plans often aren’t as comprehensive as major medical plans but are typically less expensive.
  • Disability Protection provides income should you become disabled.  Available for individuals or businesses.
  • Long Term Care Policies:  Long-term care insurance is designed to cover other expenses  In addition to nursing home stays.  Policies today cover things like a home health aide to assist with bathing, dressing, or eating.  

Life Insurance

  • Term Insurance: Term Life Policies are designed to cover you for a specific period of time.  Typical term contracts are for 10,15 or 20 years and the premiums remain level.  Term contracts can be converted into permanent contracts at a future date.
  • Permanent Insurance:  From Whole Life, to Variable Life to Index Life to universal Life.  Navigating the differences of Life insurance can be overwhelming.  At the Bergeron Agency, We will help design a plan that best meets your needs and budget and clarify the differences for you.